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Organizational Structure


The Minister of Cooperation, Ministry of Cooperation, Government of India is the President of National Council for Cooperative Training (NCCT) and Governing Council of NCCT. The Minister of State in the Ministry of Cooperation and Secretary, Ministry of Cooperation, Government of India are the two Vice Presidents of NCCT and Governing Council of NCCT. The Additional Secretary, Ministry of Cooperation, Government of India is the Chairman of the Executive Council of NCCT which deals with the Administrative & Financial matters of National Council for Cooperative Training. The Secretary, NCCT is the Member Secretary of the Governing Council and Executive Council of NCCT.

The Additional Secretary, Ministry of Cooperation, Government of India is the Chairman of the Executive Council of NCCT which deals with the Administrative & Financial matters of National Council for Cooperative Training. The Secretary, NCCT is the Member Secretary of the Governing Council and Executive Council of NCCT.


At the Institute Level, Management Committee in respect of each Institute is constituted by the Governing Council, NCCT. These committees are responsible for looking after the management of the institutes under their jurisdiction. The Management Committee of the National Institute is constituted by the Government of India under the Chairmanship of Additional Secretary, Ministry of Cooperation, Government of India. The Chairman of the State Cooperative Union is generally nominated as Chairman of the Management Committee of the Institutes of Cooperative Management for not more than two consecutive terms of 3 years each. Each Institute of Cooperative Management has Programme Advisory Committee constituted under the Chairmanship of Registrar. The Chief Executives of State Cooperative Federations, Heads of other concerned department of the State Government and representatives of Local University/Management Institutes are members of this Committee. The Annual Training programme of each institute is finalized in consultation with Programme Advisory Committee.

NCCT is conducting programmes for senior level executives through VAMNICOM, Pune and intermediate and junior level executives and members of cooperatives through 19 RICMs/ICMs.